This app was good for me because I haven’t had the time to learn something more powerful, like Photoshop. But, this app has a few basic inadequacies that really take away from the overall experience.
The biggest one is that you can’t have multiple text or icon objects. So, if you plan on making an icon in the app, plan on having a couple rounds of saving your output and then importing that back into the app. The same goes if you want to include multiple pieces of text.
You also can’t manually edit some of the parameters (such as Font Size), so if you previously had it set to the highest setting and then want it at a low level (say, changing Font Size from 900 to 200), you are goin to be waiting a few minutes with your hand held on the mouse. To me, this seems like a big detracting feature which would’ve dissuaded me from purchasing had I known about it. However, I doubt it would be very hard to fix, so if the developers make a fix I would be happy to update my review.
You also can’t save a canvas to go back and work on later. There are workarounds to this (namely, saving the output directly before making a major change), but this makes the app much less accesible.
Overall, if you’re like me and desparate for a simple graphic editor, this is a solid option. If you have more experience than I do, I would wait until they fix the two things I mentioned above before even considering buying this thing.